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Social media concepts for first aid product.

Reactive Half Term Content

To stay relevant to changing trends on social we create reactive content around half term activities.


Content series of Summer holiday activities to ease parents into the Summer and keep their kids entertained.

Just one thing, don’t forget the Savlon.


Influencer content to reach new audiences and inspire the nation to try something new this summer with Savlon.

Summer Activities

Topical posts about Summer activities, reminding parents to keep Savlon in mind.

Reactive Summer Content

To stay relevant to changing trends on social we create reactive content around Summer activities.

Instagram Poll

To boost engagement and drive purchases, we create polls educating our audience about Savlon products.

Instagram Story

As we get back to life before lockdown, we know some kids will dive straight into the action. For others creepy crawlies might hold them back.

We create Instagram stories about how parents can prepare their kids for ailments that may come their way with first aid tips for life from Savlon.

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